The Burnout Challenge: Dr. Christina Maslach

Dr. Christina Maslach is a pioneer and leader in the field of workplace burnout. She is legendary in researching and understanding burnout from a global perspective, especially in healthcare today. Burnout is among the most significant and misunderstood threats facing...

Approaching Healthcare Leadership Through Empowerment

Dr. Paul DeChant, MD, MBA, Speaker, Coach, AuthorDr. Paul DeChant and I reconnected and had the most uplifting conversation around approaching healthcare leadership through empowerment. Empowering leaders to to make decisions that benefit the well-being of our...

Physician Burnout and Improving Physician Happiness

“Doctors’ Happiness Has Not Rebounded as Pandemic Drags On” — that’s the unhappy title of Christine Lehmann, MA, NTP’s January 2023 article in Medscape. Fewer than half of the physicians surveyed said they were currently somewhat or very happy at...